Virtual Therapy

Tools and Tips for Parenting During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Parenting is hard– even when the world is not being turned upside down by a major pandemic. Now that people are social distancing, schools have been canceled, and stress levels are extremely high, parenting can be even harder.  If you are struggling with stress levels that are impacting your connection with your child, I can help. I offer virtual therapy for both parents and children in North Carolina.

If you are simply looking for a few pointers to re-calibrate your parenting game for this stressful time then I’ve got you covered…

1) CARVE OUT TIME FOR SELF CARE: Managing a job, a home, and your children’s learning schedule can be incredibly stressful. But remember what they say, “It is important to remember to put on your own air mask before you help someone else with theirs”.  Think about what brings you peace and carve out times during the day to recharge.  That may mean having a cup of coffee or doing a virtual yoga class while you pop on the TV for the kids.  Be gentle with yourself and remember that you will be a better parent if you take care of yourself first. 

2) UNPLUG: As you are taking that much needed downtime, resist the temptation to pick up your phone– unless it is to make a phone call to someone you care about.  Remember that the never ending stream of frightening updates on social media will only cause additional stress. It’s okay to check the news from time to time, but carve out screen-free blocks of time doing something that brings you joy. 

3) CREATE A NEW NORMAL: If you treated the first few days of social distancing like the start of summer break that is totally fine.  By now, though, it is time to change out of those tired gray sweats and start brushing your teeth again.  Create a daily schedule for your family with time for school work, outdoor play, and creativity.  Add scheduled times for rest and recharging.  Children thrive with schedules and continuity, and you can help them adjust to being home by taking this simple step. Another part of creating a new normal may be changing your standards for what can be accomplished in a day. Take one task at a time and practice self-compassion if you aren’t able to finish projects as quickly as you could when your kids were at school.

4) BE MINDFUL OF THE INFORMATION YOU ARE SHARING WITH YOUR CHILDREN  Your children are taking their cues from you.  They are constantly watching and listening to the things you are doing and saying.  It is okay to have a conversation with them about what is going on.  Share age appropriate information but be careful to turn off the news while they are in the room and save heavy conversations with your spouse for after they have gone to bed.  What they need to know most is that you are keeping your family safe. 

5) SAVOR THE POSITIVE MOMENTS:  More time at home with your family can be stressful but there will also be many special moments you get to share together that would not have happened if your kids were at school or you were at work.  When these moments happen notice them.  Slow down and use all five of your senses to be as present as possible so that you can create strong positive memories to balance all of the stressful events of the day. Each time you do this, you create a sense of safety and security for yourself and your children. The more you do this the easier it will become, and this is a wonderful habit that you can take with you as we recover from this pandemic. 

6) DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF: Remember what matters most right now– our health. This includes not only our physical health but our mental health as well. When we come out on the other side of all this, you won’t remember the dishes that didn’t get washed, and your children won’t regret the math homework that wasn’t completed on time. Sacrificing your sanity for the sake of these extra tasks, however, could have lasting consequences for your entire family. Together, we will get through this. Take care of yourself and those you love.

For more helpful resources CLICK THIS LINK and scroll to the bottom. 

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